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31 MAY 2016

Dear Diary,
Have you ever dream of having a long holidays? I bet everyone is having such dream. Believe it or not, I was on a vacation for one year. Yes, I've said it. After finishing high school, everyone were getting excited to enter colleges or universities of their own choices including me. I was very confident that I will be accepted for the requested course, so I take for granted for not paying any attention regarding the requirements . On the day the results were announced, I was very devastated because my application was rejected. My dream of becoming an Architect has shattered...

Coincidentally, UiTM Samarahan Rector was a friend of my mother. She seek help from him to enter my name on the list. However, he is unable to do so because my SPM result is unsatisfactory upon the course and the dateline to attend the interview for the course has ended. Hence, he offered me a Business Study course. I don't have any interest to take the course he offered so I declined.

I tried to apply at other universities either government or private sector. I don't have any feedback from them except for the private (you know the reason why). My mother said, it is very expensive if I choose to further my study at private. What to do... I have to let go of my dream of becoming a student at LimKokWing University.As days went by, I still don't get any feedback from the other university.

I spend most of my time at home and procrastinating. I did get a part-time job but not for long since I have transportation problems. I did go out with my boyfriend on the weekends and sometimes my mother bring me to join the associations activities, so that I don't stuck at home. Somehow I still feel useless and boring since all of my friends are studying or even working. As for me, I literally doing nothing in my life. Many people look down on me and asking me when am I going to further my study.

Despite all that, I'm not giving up just yet. I applied UPU for the second time. Alhamdulillah my application were accepted. However, it is not the course that I wanted. I was expecting to get accepted in Library Management and not Wood Technologies. I did choose the Wood Technologies as one of my choices but, it was my tenth choice. Plus the campus was stated in UiTM Campus Jengka Pahang. I feel a bit down at first but my mother encourage me to take it.

I went for the registration on 23rd May 2016. We were having 'Minggu Destini Siswa' (MDS) for one week. It was one of the best experience I've ever had. I met new friends from different districts. My room-mates were very nice and friendly. We were brief about the course and it is not as bad as it seems. I've began to gain interest towards the course as they explained what was it all about. They motivate me to do better in this course and I want to get the 'Anugerah Naib Canselor' (ANC). To get the ANC, I need to score dean for every semester. I will strive to achieve it. Wish me luck!

P/S: I miss Miri, Sarawak.. Huhu T^T

#Throwback #Mdspahang2k6 #Mdsuitmpahang #Uitmjengkapahang

That's all for today!
Assalamualaikum and adios amigos~

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Skin made by Hafiz Zulkafly . Edit by Batrisyia Arashe . I GOT THE BACKGROUND FROM Dolliecrave . Other image from We♥it and special thanks to Mr.Google cause help me .