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13 March 2014

Dear Diary,
Urgh... our exam will starts on this Saturday, and guess what... Chemist will be the first subject to be tested and followed by BM. I hope I can pass it. Well... at least I can get D for it. Worse come to worse, E. Hehe... I'm not good in chemist so yeap... 

By the way, I did joined 'Comic Literature Competition' and I got FIRST place! Hoyeah! Haha xD Feeling excited. It is possible for me because among the form 5 students, only me and a couple of my classmates had joined it. So it is easier for the teacher to pick the winner. Not to be cocky but my comic just stands out the best. :PPP hihi ^_^ I wish I could show it to you but I forgot to take a picture of it.

Just by looking at it, I knew that it must be our school's exam paper and OMR paper or even our school's long book.

Ahh~ It's feel good when I became the center of attention while walking to the stage. Haha xD

I knew it all along. Sighs... I don't mind tho because I can save my money since I already have the exam pad.

I wonder what happen to the 'Anti-drug Poster Competition'? Until now the results hasn't be inform yet. However, during the exhibition, my poster drawing was being placed with the best posters. It's hard for me to admit it but others did great too for their posters. I hope I could nail it considering  it was my last year to achieve something great.

Now, let me tell you about my lose. I entered inter-class Ping Pong competition. I lose during my first game due to my first experience in playing Ping Pong aka table tennis. It was quiet disappointing as our class didn't even get to top 3. Anyway, we did our best.

Oklah.. That's all for now.
Assalamualaikum! Adios Amigos!

P/S: Pray for me so that I can answer the exam questions very well! :D

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Skin made by Hafiz Zulkafly . Edit by Batrisyia Arashe . I GOT THE BACKGROUND FROM Dolliecrave . Other image from We♥it and special thanks to Mr.Google cause help me .