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16 April 2013
wahai TUHAN...
ku tak layak ke syurgaMU...
namun tak pula aku sanggup ke nerakaMU...
ampunkan dosaku terimalah taubatku
sesungguhnya ENGKAUlah pengampun dosa-dosa besar...


bagaikan pepasir di pantai...
dengan rahmatMU ampunkan daku
oh TUHANku...

wahai TUHAN selamatkan kami ini...
dari segala
kejahatan dan kecelakaan...
kami takut...
kami harap...
suburkanlah cinta kami kepadaMU...

kamilah hamba yang mengharap belas dariMU...

15 April 2013
Dear Diary,
Isn't it just stupid to show our foolishness to other people by uploading a video of a fight? Yup, this is what happen in the current issues. Shame on you! I don't know what to say about today's generations. I'm not going to talk much since I don't know the authentic story yet.
What I want to emphasize here is that, do not degrading yourself and enough with the case to be settled amicably among each other. Well, I just want to share my opinion and there is no other intention.
I hate bullies. Whether physically nor mentally.

They thought that they were the strongest among all and tend to bullying the weak, but the fact that they were the weakest among all. They wants to hide their fear by showing their strength so that people are afraid of them. Hmm... 

The world is not cruel but man is the culprit.

I don't know how to help to remedy the situation, but I just be able to show a sense of disappointment with the generation of the present age.
I hope they will realize their mistake and changed for good. Aamiin... 

Ok peeps. That's all for today.
Adios amigos... :)
14 April 2013
Dear Diary,
I'm sure you must be curious by the meaning of MMS right? he he... MMS is a short-form of 'Mama Mia Shaza'. It is a Malay romance novel written by Emy Roberto. I seldom read novel but if it not because of my mom whom have been obsessed about novel introduced me to some interesting story , so I tend to read it. Well of course my mom will read it first and then she will tell me from A to Z, even though I don't really paid attention to whatever she's saying. My curiosity arises when there were conflict in the story that I wanted to know more. Hence, I only read novel the one which my mom recommend it to me.
Anyway, back to the topic. To be honest, this story is kinda different than the other story. I mean, the story-line is really interesting. Seriously! haha LOL... I've read other novel but none of them were like this one since it involve three pure love bonding (sorry if my English is bad... Trying to improve). If you've read the novel, you will know what I meant. I would recommend this novel to all of you. I do like it! No, I do love it!
My mom praise her for her good vocabulary in English. Yeah, she really does! As I visit her blog, I shout something and guess what. SHE REPLIED! I just can't believe it! I was so touched! haha... LOL... (I'm being weird here) =.=" hoho... :3
I've print-screen for the prove...
I was excited when she replied. I haven't reply yet...  hehe... Later-lah... 
Oh ya, about the book... I'm sure you want to see it right? My phone is not in the right condition right now... haha LOL... (Low-battery)
If I've got some time, Insya-ALLAH I will upload it). Arachi? hehe

Her blog:

Adios Amigos!

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Skin made by Hafiz Zulkafly . Edit by Batrisyia Arashe . I GOT THE BACKGROUND FROM Dolliecrave . Other image from We♥it and special thanks to Mr.Google cause help me .